You wanna know how do you recognize HIM or HER?

If you meet this person, you will know through dreams, visions, inspirations, who will show you as well as intuitional recognition. You can be sure, if you  are both very clear about the fact that you can’t let go with each other, even though everything seems more abstruse, exhausting and complicated than with every other partner before – through this you will recognize each other.

In this you will find a confirmation in the outside of that was clear in the inside before you even met the first time.Long before you incarnated, your souls agreed on this plan of meeting. Your connection therefore carries the highest growing potential, allows the most important spiritual experiences and therefor is one of the most holy gifts.

just did another translation of a very touching article of ‘andersmensch’

The true meaning of partnership is not having somebody who completes you or fufill certain needs, because you are complete already and you have to fulfills certain needs.

Its even better if you don’t have needs, just tendencies and preferences – with those life gets easier and lighter.

Your partner is definetly not your personal needfulfiller, but a mate, who you are meeting on one a same level to explore together the everlasting mystery of love. He is as blind as you within the love- never forget! He does not know the way like every other person in this world. There are no professionals in love, just eternal beginners. Don’t put demands and reproaches on your partner, if he stumbles within its love towards you- just catch him. Carry him where he can not walk alone and let him carry you, where you don’t have power to walk. Don’t belive that your partner came to your life to make you happy or to ease up the burden of your existence.

His appearance in your life has a different reason.

His soul is here to remind your soul about who you truly are – breathing, alive, moving love, who travels through itself, to recognize itself as living, breathing, moving love on a material level. The whole sense of your meeting is to bring each other to remember your beautiful true self – pure awareness, divinity on material level. Thats the highest purpose of you beeing together. The true meaning of partnership is not being or getting happy, its getting into awareness. Happiness is just a side effect, which always comes along with the same amount of misfortune, because one is causing the other.

If you are able to love in a way, where you can realize that your love is always present apart from luck or misfortune. Then you are on a great path not to be blind within love anymore, you can become a seeing person.

You will see and be unlimited stunned, because your journey through everlasting mystery of love never ends – it s flowing higher from level to next level.

As soon as you realize, that you didnt come together to be happy, infact to realize and get aware, most of your conflicts will dissolve, because the truth is – they were just buffed up egos, stupid, meaningless bubbles in the unlimited ocean of love. Be brave and ready to drown there again and again – everytime you will emerge again and experience a fully new level of being. Side to side, soul in soul, connected as one unit in clear awareness of love.

Thats the true sense of every partnership.

hab das mal übersetzt, just did a translation

walking with the healer or the man who walks with the healer woman
If a man chooses a woman who follows her calling, the only way that this connection can be stable is for the man to go with her and especially give her the room for her path.
Its possible that he has to step back with his neediness and indigences or find healing within the common path, but most likely nothing like cruising gear.
If a man chooses a woman who is healing the collective wounds of women through her life, he therefore says Yes to a bigger task which exceeds building a cottage, having babies and raise them, its not about traditional roles anymore…
Because this man make it his business to back up the woman, watch her back, bolster her, when she sometimes cannot bear the pain of the world anymore and transfor it. It means that he has to open up to another kind of sexuality, because sexual healing is one of the deepest areas if a woman is called to be the healer.
Here its about slowness, gentleness, healing about holding back the own sexual drive or rather transform it in a different way to be present for the whole thing.
Because if a man chooses a woman, whos aim is freedom , it can only match together if the man has passed his narcissistic aspects and recognizes the path of the woman as his own path to freedom.
If a man chooes a woman who is grand, its not possible for him to linger in energies who want to oppress or keep small.
If he follows with her this mission he has a task which serves the greater good of all men and still often takes place in the backgrund. If he creates a place of security in this backround, security against mugging the woman because of old wounds and subordinating her.
If a man chooses a woman, because he is fascinated from her radiance, wisdom and cleverness he has to be absolutely clear about not being one of the kind who is stuck in a deficit, which wants to take away her glow out of fear to be forced to share her.
If a man chooses a woman who follows her calling he cannot be afraid of the words respect, humbleness and devotion, instead following this path of divinity at the healers side with full heart and grattitude.
Because such a woman will decide for the good of the other women for the lonely path, IF she would have to make a choice and yet she is aware of the power, if there is a man who tabours the drums for her. Moksha Devi Sunshine


“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” (Rumi)


“Es ist nicht deine Aufgabe nach Liebe zu suchen, sondern lediglich die Hindernisse, die du in Dir dagegen aufgebaut hast, zu suchen und zu finden.” (Rumi)